We’ve all likely heard before that winding down at the end of a long day with a bath can help your sleep. But how exactly does the science behind that work? What is it about a warm bath that helps our bodies relax and get ready for bed?
(more…)August 29, 2019
We’ve all likely heard before that winding down at the end of a long day with a bath can help your sleep. But how exactly does the science behind that work? What is it about a warm bath that helps our bodies relax and get ready for bed?
(more…)August 21, 2019
In June 2018, Barnes & Noble reported that book sales related to anxiety had gone up 26% when compared to the previous year. Whether nationwide anxiety is actually increasing or whether we’re just more aware of it, it’s definitely a prevalent issue. Who hasn’t felt anxious from time to time? But for some, anxiety is an always-present condition, and, as it turns out, anxiety and sleep are closely related. Recently, a group of scientists shared their findings on the relationship between the two, which may prove helpful for those curious about how to improve both anxiety and sleep deprivation.
(more…)August 5, 2019
Insomnia is one of the most prevalent sleep disorders, affecting one in four Americans every year. Characterized by difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep, all of us have probably experienced insomnia at least a time or two — and in fact, 75% of those who develop insomnia recover without experiencing persistent sleep issues. But for some, insomnia is chronic and lasting, affecting daily life. It’s a serious issue that should be addressed, and its effects on the body are no joke.