With 40-50% of marriages in America ending in divorce, it’s no wonder that the psychology of marital relationships piques interest. According to one study, with additional data from the INSIDER data team, there are 11 main reasons for divorce, with the first being lack of commitment, the second being infidelity, and the third being excessive conflict and arguing.
(more…)February 26, 2021
February 16, 2021
Sleep and mental health are undoubtedly connected, with a reciprocal relationship — poor sleep tends to worsen mental health ailments, and mental health ailments can cause poor sleep.
Sleep is necessary for optimal mental functioning. Generally, when we think of sleep advice, most of us may admonish ourselves for simply not getting enough of it — seven to eight hours’ worth every night. But, when it comes to mental health, sleep quality may be more important than sleep quantity.