In the past few years, CBD oil has become a popular over-the-counter method to address pain, reduce cancer symptoms, and much more. There have been numerous claims that the use of CBD oil can help those who are experiencing sleep problems, including insomnia and sleep apnea, but are these claims something that you can trust? Continue reading to learn more about CBD, its effects on sleep apnea, and what you should do.
What Is CBD?
CBD stands for “cannabidiol.” This refers to a compound that is derived from the cannabis Sativa plant, more commonly called “marijuana.” However, CBD is not psychoactive, as it does not contain the compound “THC,” so it does not give the user a “high.” CBD can be purchased in many forms, including oils, gummies, and candy. It has been noted to help address chronic pain, anxiety, and depression.
Can CBD Be Used to Treat Sleep Apnea?
In recent years, studies have begun looking at whether CBD can be used as a treatment for insomnia, so many patients have become curious if it can help reduce sleep apnea symptoms. It is believed that CBD can help to reduce the amount of time it takes for one to fall asleep, but at this time, there is no conclusive evidence that it can help to improve sleep apnea. If you think you have sleep apnea, it’s important that you seek a diagnosis to get the proper treatment you need to achieve quality sleep.
How Is Sleep Apnea Treated?
After undergoing a sleep test and receiving an official diagnosis, there are multiple different options out there for reducing sleep apnea symptoms. Here are some of the most popular:
- CPAP Therapy: CPAP therapy has been the go-to treatment option for those suffering from sleep apnea for many years. The patient wears a mask as they sleep that pushes air into the throat and lungs through the mouth and/or nose to prevent the airway from collapsing.
- Oral Appliance Therapy: For this method, a customized oral appliance is provided to you by your dentist. You wear it when you sleep, and it works by shifting your lower jaw into a position where your airway remains open as you sleep. Many patients find this method more comfortable and practical than CPAP therapy – especially those who have mild to moderate sleep apnea.
- Combined Therapy: Combined therapy utilizes both an oral appliance and a small CPAP device to help you achieve better rest. This type of machine is quieter and less bulky, allowing additional comfort.
CBD may have its benefits, but it’s not currently believed to be an ideal method for treating sleep apnea. It is always best to seek out treatment from a professional so you can receive the best possible advice and results!
About the Author
Dr. Jeff Rodgers is an experienced dentist who has been in private practice for over 20 years! He specializes in dental sleep medicine and is a Diplomate of both the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine and the American Sleep and Breathing Academy. To learn more about sleep apnea and your treatment options, or to schedule an appointment at his office in Dunwoody, visit his website or call (770) 394-4310.