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Dunwoody, GA 30338
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What Are the Steps to Treating Sleep Apnea?

September 27, 2018

Your alarm goes off in the morning, and immediately the first thought that enters your head is how tired you feel. You went to bed at a decent hour and fell asleep relatively quickly, but the fact remains that you are constantly tired no matter how much you sleep. This has been going on for longer than you can remember, and it’s really starting to affect your quality of life.

This kind of chronic exhaustion often points to a very common disorder called sleep apnea, which affects about 20 million Americans every night.


The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation in Teenagers

August 31, 2018

sleep deprivation in teenagers

Does your day start with a battle every morning to get your teen out of bed? Are they apt to sleep nine, ten, or even twelve hours on the weekend? Are they constantly complaining about how tired they are?

The trope of the sleepy teen is usually played for laughs on TV and in movies, but it can be quite worrisome when it’s your child who seems to be constantly exhausted. When it comes to chronic sleep deprivation in teenagers, is there anything that can be done?


Patient Story: What Happened When Paul Finally Said “Enough” to Snoring

August 28, 2018

Paul’s snoring led him to seek treatment. When diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, he was given a CPAP, but found that it made him claustrophobic. Hoping for an answer, Paul then turned to Dr. Rodgers and Sleep Better Georgia for a sleep appliance. The first night he received his appliance, his wife said she thought he was dead, he was sleeping so well!


Distracted Driving Laws Still Have a Way to Go

August 7, 2018

So far, 47 states have passed laws that ban texting while driving, and many have taken this concept a step further, explicitly banning drivers from using handheld devices. Georgia is the latest state to follow suit. The “Hands-Free Georgia Act,” which went into effect on July 1, comes with many nuances, but in general motorists will be prohibited from holding a cell phone or other electronic device while behind the wheel.


The Consequences of Sleep Deprivation at Work

July 30, 2018

sleep deprivation

In a world where everyone is always trying to get ahead at work, you feel like you’re falling behind. You consistently feel tired, and your focus never fails to wander right when you need it the most. It’s affecting your ability to perform on the job and even your interactions with your coworkers. What is happening?


Why Sleep Apnea Increases Risk of Stroke

June 22, 2018

sleep apnea Dunwoody

Strokes are a scary topic — the fifth leading cause of death in the U.S., they can happen to anyone at anytime with few apparent warning signs. Though sudden, the likelihood of a stroke is increased by the presence of other health conditions. These conditions often have symptoms that can be observed, identified, and treated — and effectively treating the preexisting condition decreases the likelihood of a stroke in the future.


The Mystifying Connection Between Headaches & Sleep

May 30, 2018

sleep apnea headaches

Millions of Americans deal with headaches every day, and for some, they always seem to occur in the morning right after they wake up or when they are feeling particularly tired. Studies have shown that headaches and sleep have an interdependent relationship, as headaches are two to eight times more common in those with sleep disorders.


Women’s Relationship with Sleep

April 26, 2018

women and sleep

Does each sex experience sleep differently? Are women and men uniquely affected by rest? The answer is a resounding “yes.” Today, we take a look at the role of sleep in women and how it is uniquely different than that of their male counterparts.


Your Phone is Hurting Your Sleep: Try Reading Instead

April 23, 2018

woman reading in bed

The number of people experiencing issues falling and staying asleep is on the rise, and researchers believe this is largely due to the fact that many are exposed to blue light emitted by phones and TV screens immediately before bed. According to experts, blue light delays melatonin release (the hormone that regulates sleep and wakefulness), with sleep suffering as a result. Research proves that those who make checking technology before bed a regular habit experience a more difficult time falling and staying asleep.


The Drowsy Driving Epidemic

March 30, 2018

drowsy driving

Most people know that driving while sleep-deprived isn’t a good idea, although they may admit to doing it at some time or another. The risks associated with drowsy driving may not even be something that crosses your mind, but it’s important to know that operating any kind of vehicle while drowsy is not only risky — it can be fatal.
