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Dunwoody, GA 30338
(770) 394-4310

At-Home Remedies for Snoring

June 30, 2017

Learn how to improve your sleep quality with 5 home remedies to stop snoring.

Snoring is a common problem that can keep you and your spouse awake at night. It’s estimated that 90 million adults in the United States suffer from this problem. When you snore, the muscles in the throat relax, causing vibrations in the uvula and soft palate above the throat. While it is normal to snore from time to time, if you find it occurring more often than not, you need to take a proactive approach to stop the snoring. Follow these home remedies to help ensure you get a restful night’s sleep.


New Research Links Sleep Deprivation to Neurological Issues

June 28, 2017

Discover the connection between sleep deprivation and neurological issues.

In order to maintain optimal health, you need at least 7 hours of sleep per night. Sleeping less than that may be the cause of your troubled sleep and fatigue. However, if your sleep issues are long lasting, it may be a problem that’s beyond your control, like chronic snoring or a sleep disorder. Over time, these issues will cause sleep deprivation. New evidence even suggests that sleep deprivation is linked to serious neurological issues, so it’s important to seek treatment right away.


Breathe Easier and Sleep Better with Sleep Apnea Therapy in Dunwoody

April 14, 2017

woman sleeping in bed

If you have recently been diagnosed with a sleep disorder, like sleep apnea, you might be a bit surprised that you have been referred to a dentist for treatment. Now, dentists like Dr. Jeff Rodgers play a vital role in sleep apnea therapy in Dunwoody. Although sleep apnea is a medical condition, dentists offer the treatment needed to protect your overall health.


Do I Need an Oral Appliance for Sleep Apnea in Dunwoody?

April 4, 2017

Discover the benefits of an oral appliance for sleep apnea in Dunwoody.

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that affects roughly 25 million adult Americans. However, it is estimated, 75% of those with the condition remain undiagnosed. When the disorder is left untreated, serious and potentially deadly health complications develop. In addition to decreased sleep and a poor quality of life, your oral and overall health are impacted. You develop an increased risk for tooth decay. Not to mention, the condition can result in cardiovascular disease. With the complications of the disorder quite diverse, you need effective treatment for sleep apnea in Dunwoody. Among the most preferred treatment involves an oral appliance.


Teeth Grinding and Sleep Apnea in Dunwoody

March 19, 2017

woman holding cheek

If you wake in the morning with a sore jaw and teeth, you could suffer from Bruxism. This is a condition that results from grinding or clenching the teeth while sleeping. It is estimated that 30 to 40 million adults and children suffer from the issue. There are several factors that can cause the condition, such as stress or sleep apnea. No matter the cause, effective treatment is critical. When left untreated, many painful symptoms and damage to the teeth can develop.


Dentists Now Treating Sleep Apnea in Dunwoody to Breathe Easier

March 9, 2017

Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder that affects an estimated 25 million adults in the United States. However, it is estimated one in six people remain undiagnosed. The disorder causes numerous pauses in breathing several times per night. While there are different causes for the interruptions in breathing, the most common cause is due to an obstruction in the airway. Due to the serious health complications that can result, such as cardiovascular disease, you need an effective treatment. If you have recently been diagnosed with the disorder, you might be surprised that you were referred to a dentist. Now, more and more dentists are treating sleep apnea in Dunwoody due to alternative treatments that are available.


Can A Sleep Study Help My Sleep Apnea in Dunwoody?

February 22, 2017

Why you should get a sleep study if you might have sleep apnea.

As you toss and turn, you resist the urge to look at the time. Whatever it might be, you’re not going to like it, and you’re sure your alarm will go off at any minute. It’s been like this for months now, and what started as annoying is now becoming dangerous. You noticed yourself nodding off while driving, and that’s when you knew you needed to do something about your sleep problems. After doing a little research online, you think you might have sleep apnea, but you’re unsure. What should you do?

Often, the first step to getting treatment for a sleep disorder is to get a sleep study done. Why is this helpful? Today, Dr. Jeff Rodgers is going to talk about how a sleep study may be your first step to finally getting a full night’s rest.


Your Treatment Options for Sleep Apnea in Dunwoody

February 12, 2017

What are my treatment options for sleep apnea in Dunwoody?

If you are suffering from sleep apnea, your number one concern is getting treatment so that you can finally rest. What are your treatment options? How successful are they? Which one is best for you? Today, Dr. Jeff Rodgers is going to answer each of these questions by going over all of the possible treatment options for sleep apnea in Dunwoody.


Your Diet and Sleep Apnea Therapy in Dunwoody

January 15, 2017

She's feeling well-rested with sleep apnea therapy in Dunwoody.

You know your diet plays a big role in how you feel and look, but have you considered that what you eat also affects your sleep? And, of course, your sleep (or lack of it) greatly impacts the way you look and feel. There’s a reciprocal relationship between food, sleep, and health, and understanding how it works is important for overall wellbeing. From Dr. Jeff Rodgers, the trusted sleep dentist providing sleep apnea therapy in Dunwoody, we’ve got more on the relationship between diet and sleep below. (more…)

6 Signs You Need Sleep Apnea Therapy in Dunwoody

Options for sleep apnea therapy in Dunwoody.

Sleep apnea is a chronic condition that affects roughly 20 to 25 million adults in the United States. The sleep disorder causes interruptions in breathing numerous times per night due to the narrowing of airways. While the disorder can occur in anyone, there are several factors that increase your risk for the condition, such as being male, overweight, family history, and age. Although these factors can play a role in the development of the condition, anyone can suffer from sleep apnea. It is important to learn the signs to seek sleep apnea therapy in Dunwoody to protect your health.
