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1719 Mt Vernon Rd, Ste. A
Dunwoody, GA 30338
(770) 394-4310

Solutions for Snoring and Sleep Apnea Treatment in Dunwoody

January 5, 2017

Options for sleep apnea treatment in Dunwoody.

Let’s face it, snoring is a nuisance, but we all snore from time to time. Snoring is caused by vibrations in the tissues of the nose and throat. In most cases, snoring is common depending on your sleeping position, medications, or if you are ill. However, there are times when snoring is not normal and may indicate a more serious problem. Loud, chronic snoring is one of the main symptoms of a sleep disorder, known as obstructive sleep apnea. When left untreated, there are potentially deadly complications while your quality of life significantly declines. If you suspect you have the disorder, you need sleep apnea treatment in Dunwoody immediately.


Sleep Apnea in Atlanta Linked with Depression

December 14, 2016

Can my sleep apnea in Atlanta lead to depression?

Sleep apnea and depression are two of the most common medical conditions in the U.S., both affecting about 20 million people every day. Current science now shows that there may be a strong connection between sleep apnea and depression, and that one can easily impact the other. Dr. Jeff Rodgers is going to shed a little more light on the connection between depression and sleep apnea.
