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Sleep Dunwoody Blog

The Hidden Link Between Sleep Apnea, Deprivation, and Unwanted Thoughts

May 10, 2023

man snoring while partner is awake

Do you ever find yourself struggling to get a good night’s sleep? You might be one of the millions of Americans dealing with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This condition disrupts your breathing patterns while you sleep, leaving you feeling groggy and unrested. But did you know that sleep apnea isn’t just about snoring and feeling tired? It could also be linked to something unexpected: unwanted thoughts. Read on to learn more!


Sleep Apnea and ADHD: What You Should Know

April 11, 2023

person highlighting the word ADHD

When it comes to understanding our bodies, sometimes symptoms can overlap, leading to confusion about what’s really going on. Historically, signs like impulsiveness, forgetfulness, and difficulty focusing have been linked to ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder). But guess what? They can also indicate a lack of sleep! And one common culprit for sleep problems is sleep apnea. If left unaddressed, both conditions can be quite detrimental to your mental health. Read on to learn more about the connection between ADHD and sleep apnea, as well as possible solutions for each one.


Can Weighted Blankets Help with Sleep Apnea?

March 6, 2023

woman sleeping with weighted blanket

Do you suffer from sleep apnea? If so, you know how disruptive it can be to your nightly rest. But did you know that weighted blankets could offer some relief? Some research suggests that they could be particularly helpful for those with obstructive sleep apnea. Read on to learn how these cozy blankets can help you catch those much-needed Z’s!


Take Control with These 3 Effective At-Home Sleep Apnea Remedies

November 12, 2022

middle-aged woman eating a salad

Sleep apnea can not only take a tremendous toll on someone’s physical health, but their mental health as well. Being exhausted all the time has been shown in studies to lead to feelings of depression, plus people simply don’t have the energy they need to do what they want in their lives. While professional help offers the most direct solution, there are actually three things you can do on your own that are proven to reduce sleep apnea symptoms and greatly improve your overall well-being.


How Sleep Apnea Affects Pregnancy—What Every Parent Should Know

November 3, 2022

young mother smiling in bed with baby

An estimated 20+ million Americans have some form of sleep apnea, and given that high number, there is a good chance some of the people struggling with this condition are also pregnant. Expecting a baby should be a joyous experience, but untreated sleep apnea can lead to several complications for both mother and child. What are they, and more importantly, what can be done to make sure everyone stays healthy until the big day arrives?


Your Better Sleep Guide: How to Adjust to Your Sleep Apnea Appliance

October 16, 2022

It’s probably safe to assume that you’ve spent most of your life not sleeping with an oral appliance, but after months (or years) of dealing with persistent exhaustion and snoring, you’ve finally been given the key to consistently great rest. Of course, making any alterations to your sleep routine is bound to require some adjustment time, but these three tips will help make things much easier so you’re getting the best sleep of your life sooner rather than later.


Is Sleeping with a Pet Good Or Bad For People with Sleep Apnea?

October 8, 2022

relaxed cat sitting on someone’s knees

Approximately 65% of American households own a pet, with the favorites of course being cats and dogs. If you look at the science, having a pet offers a litany of benefits, from companionship to security to reduced stress and more. We love our furry friends so much that we even share bedtime with them. While this might sound warm and cuddly at first glance, is it smart to sleep with a pet if you have an issue like sleep apnea? It turns out that the issue isn’t so cut and dry, but knowing more about it can help you make the best decision for yourself and your pet.


Type 2 Diabetes & Sleep Apnea: 3 Important Ways They’re Connected

September 28, 2022

young man testing their blood sugar

Life for people with Type 2 diabetes can be pretty complicated. They have to be very diligent about their diet, take their insulin regularly, and stay in constant communication with their doctor. It’s well documented that it can have negative effects on cardiovascular health, but did you know it can exacerbate problems like sleep apnea as well? These two conditions actually influence each other more than people think, and seeing how the rates of both are currently skyrocketing, those with either one need to keep these three connections in mind.


Does Snoring Always Mean Someone Has Sleep Apnea?

September 20, 2022

man snoring next to young woman

According to SleepFoundation.org, approximately 32% of Americans snore, and chances are that you know at least one of them. Whether it’s yourself or a loved one, snoring can be extremely annoying, but there is a more serious side as well. It’s one of the most common symptoms of sleep apnea, a condition that is known to cause daily exhaustion as well as drastically increase someone’s risk of being in a motor vehicle accident or suffering a heart attack or stroke. While snoring and sleep apnea are definitely connected, they are not one in the same, and being able to spot the differences can have a big impact on someone’s overall health.


Why Do We Sleep Better Away From Home?

September 14, 2022

person sleeping in vacation rental

With travel returning to pre-pandemic levels, many Americans are booking hotel rooms and Airbnbs to take off on vacations around the globe. But what does this mean for our sleep health?

Turns out, we may sleep better in an Airbnb than a hotel, and some even report sleeping better in one compared to their own home. Why is this the case? New research has shed some light on the subject so we can all get more Zs whether we’re at home or on our dream trip.
