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Sleep Dunwoody Blog

Are the “Sunday Scaries” Keeping You Awake? Here’s Why

September 7, 2022

woman lying in bed awake

The “Sunday scaries” describe the common worry about returning to work on Monday morning, and it can unfortunately affect the sleep health of many Americans.

The “Sunday scaries” can be psychological, but they can also manifest physically, causing a heightened heartbeat, sweating, difficulty breathing, trembling, upset stomach, and more.

Stress and anxiety that is work-related can often cause a loss of sleep, which can lead to harmful health consequences. While “Sunday scaries” is a term associated with younger generations, Gen Z’ers and Millennials aren’t the only ones impacted by this stress.


How Can Exercise Reduce Sleep Apnea Symptoms?

August 28, 2022

Overweight woman holding dumbbells and exercising

Regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for your health. It can reduce your risk of heart disease, support mental and emotional wellness, offer opportunities for socialization, and more. It can even help you sleep better! In fact, research suggests that a regular routine of physical activity can do much to reduce symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea.


New Study Reveals Link Between Frequent Naps & High Blood Pressure

August 22, 2022

We know that there are many benefits to a 15-minute power nap, but what happens when our napping becomes too frequent?

Recent research suggests that napping on a regular basis can be associated with a higher risk of blood pressure and stroke.

Those suffering from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can also be at a heightened risk for heart conditions, drawing a parallel between OSA, sleep deprivation, and napping. OSA is a sleep condition that causes breathing to stop during sleep, often resulting in daytime sleepiness, snoring, and/or morning headaches. Typically, people with sleep apnea rely on napping to catch up on their rest, but as this study highlights, this may be a sign of a serious problem.


Chronic Pain and Insomnia are Stealing Our Sleep

August 8, 2022

woman holding neck and shoulder in bed

Insomnia plagues many Americans, but it has also been found that “painsomnia” affects many adults as well, considering around 25% of U.S. adults experience chronic pain. Painsomnia is a form of insomnia caused by chronic pain.

This can mean extremely poor quality sleep for those who experience both painsomnia and obstructive sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a sleep disorder that causes disrupted breathing throughout the night, resulting in daytime sleepiness, and often snoring. Dealing with either of these conditions, or even both, can prove to be challenging.


Rising Temperatures May Negatively Impact Sleep Quality

July 28, 2022

person sitting on bed next to a fan

While climate change is happening all around us, we often think of it as having impacts on the weather or atmosphere. What we don’t think about as much is the impact it may have on our health, and in this case, our sleep health.

It turns out that rising temperatures due to climate change have an effect on the way we sleep and can lead to negative overall health outcomes.

But what does this mean for those who suffer from sleep apnea? Obstructive sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that causes disrupted breathing throughout the night, resulting in daytime sleepiness, and often snoring. What does research say about how this record-breaking weather is changing our sleep, and what can we do to stay cool so we can get the rest we need?


Pink Noise May Increase Sleep Quality For Older Adults

July 5, 2022

older couple sleeping peacefully

Many of us associate sound machines with baby showers and toddlers at bedtime, but recent research suggests that these sounds may also benefit older adults.

Sleep quality tends to decline with age, but scientists have found that “pink noise” can help calm brain activity during sleep for older adults.

Pink noise can include sounds such as a flowing river, soft rain, ocean waves, or rustling leaves. Similar to white noise, it covers all frequencies that humans can hear, though it emphasizes lower frequencies. Could it be the key to helping you sleep as well as you did decades ago?


Sleeping: Better Together?

June 30, 2022

young couple sleeping in bed

Co-sleeping with a partner can be a controversial topic; some couples say they wouldn’t have it any other way, and some say they would rather sleep in separate beds in order to get quality sleep.

However, researchers recently found that adults who share a bed with their partners generally sleep better than those who sleep alone.

But what does this mean for sleep apnea sufferers? Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a sleep disorder that causes disrupted breathing throughout the night, resulting in daytime sleepiness, and often loud snoring, which can make sleeping next to your partner a challenge.


Increased Caloric Intake May be Related to a Lack of Quality Sleep

June 16, 2022

man eating sweets from fridge

We know that there are many health issues that can stem from poor sleep health, with obesity and cardiovascular problems being two prominent ones.

But did you know that lack of sleep can also impact the way we eat? Researchers recently learned more about how diet, sleep, and overall health are deeply connected.


How to Keep Your Bedroom Cool in the Summer

May 26, 2022

oscillating fan in bedroom

With summer approaching, one of the biggest barriers to getting a good night’s sleep is increased temperatures in the bedroom. A 2010 poll by the National Sleep Foundation found that nearly 70% of respondents reported that temperature plays a big role in their sleep quality.

Luckily, there are many ways to cool your bedroom in order to enjoy uninterrupted sleep even throughout the warmest months of the year.


Your Impression of Others May Be Associated with Your Sleep Health

May 12, 2022

group of people talking in a lobby

Sleep deprivation can take a toll on our bodies and minds in many ways. From a lack of focus to an increased risk of accidents at work, getting enough sleep is important for properly functioning on a day-to-day basis. But, it turns out that a lack of sleep can impact our perceptions of others as well.

A recent study from Uppsala University discovered that when young adults don’t get enough sleep, they are more likely to evaluate angry facial expressions as less trustworthy in interactions with others. This could have far-reaching implications in regard to the relationship between sleep and mental health.
