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Sleep Dunwoody Blog

Crash Risk: How These Three Sleep Disorders Increase Your Risk of Accidents

July 28, 2021

man yawning while driving due to sleep apnea in Dunwoody

The health consequences of untreated obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and other sleep disorders are vast. Heart conditions, diabetes, obesity, mental health concerns, and other short- and long-term associated conditions are directly linked to these disorders. And, the more research that’s done on sleep disorders, the more troubling the findings become.

While it’s well known that sleep disorders can become life-threatening, what’s not often discussed is that sleep disorders can fatally injure you in other, non-health related ways. In fact, there are three common sleep disorders that are directly linked to car crashes and other unintentional fatal injuries.

Here’s what we know about your increased chances of being in a motor vehicle accident, or an incident that results in a fatal injury, if you suffer from sleep apnea, insomnia, and/or shift work sleep disorder. While perhaps shocking at first glance, the below research is important to urge anyone with these conditions to seek, and stick with, treatment.


Man’s Bestfriend—and Cuddle Buddy? The Impact of Pets on Our Sleep

July 20, 2021

person with sleep apnea in Dunwoody sleeping with dog

Pets are a treasured part of many individual’s lives. Not only do they provide comforting companionship, but a Harris poll revealed that 95% of pet owners consider their pet to be a true member of their family.

After all, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, pets have been proven to enhance the lives of their owners. These benefits include lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, lower triglyceride levels, reduced feelings of loneliness, more opportunities to exercise outdoors, and more chances to socialize.

With all of these positive benefits, it may be no wonder that many people co-sleep (or allow their pets to sleep on their bed). In fact, nearly half of all dog owners and 62% of cat owners co-sleep with their furry friend. But there are discussions surrounding questions about whether or not co-sleeping with a pet is good or bad for your health. Let’s break it down.


Obstructive Sleep Apnea Linked to Hospitalizations Due to COVID-19

June 28, 2021

older man in hospital

There are many unknowns about the exact implications of COVID-19. While at the forefront, we’ve seen researchers and scientists hard at work finding a viable and reliable vaccine, what hasn’t been widely publicized are the teams attempting to understand the current and future implications of Coronavirus. 

Now with over a year under our belts of experiencing a decade-defining pandemic, researchers are able to provide us with more and more findings on the extent of COVID-19’s impact. How has it impacted us economically? Socially? Physically?

A recent study, published just this past April, shines a light on a subject particularly important to us here at Sleep Better Georgia: the connection between obstructive sleep apnea and COVID-19. Let’s discuss its findings and what they mean for you.


Sleeping Outdoors: The Secret to Improving Your Sleep Quantity and Quality?

June 9, 2021

young woman sleeping outdoors in tent

Warmer weather has arrived! With it comes the prospect of spending more time outdoors. While many outdoor enthusiasts simply enjoy feeling close to nature, they may or may not also be aware of the incredible health benefits of camping—including improved sleep. 

Exactly how does sleeping outdoors improve sleep quality? The answer is the body’s internal clock, also known as the circadian rhythm.


Grief is Hard—Sleep Can Help

May 26, 2021

a wooden heart with a band-aid on it

Losing a loved one is difficult. The grief that’s experienced directly after a loss can feel overwhelming, and at times unbearable. There isn’t a “normal” or “typical” way to grieve—everyone grieves in a way that’s particular to their personality and connection to the loved one lost; but at times, grief transforms into something much more complex and life-altering. 

This transformation is called complicated grief. Complicated grief lasts long-term and can cause emotional and relational difficulties due to a severe breakdown in the processing of the grief and consequential mental distress. As found in a 2009 study, “Bereaved individuals with complicated grief find themselves in a repetitive loop of intense yearning and longing that becomes the major focus of their lives, albeit accompanied by inevitable sadness, frustration, and anxiety.” Complicated grief impacts 10% of bereaved people.


Sleep Apnea Impairs the Brain’s Ability to Connect Emotions to Memories

May 20, 2021

It’s been long understood that sleep is needed for our brains to properly function. It helps us store memories, and supports our ability to learn, and maintains our emotional competency. But how exactly does the connection between sleep and our brains, particularly memory storing, association, and the feelings surrounding our memories, work? Could sleep apnea interfere with this? 

The short answer? Yes.


The Connection Between ADHD & Sleep Apnea

April 29, 2021

young child sleep at desk in school

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by inattention, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity. When untreated, ADHD can negatively affect the sufferer’s life and the lives of loved ones. Despite the seemingly excess energy that ADHD sufferers have, it may be surprising that 25-50% of people with the condition also struggle with sleep problems. 


Why Women May Be Missing Out on Sleep Apnea Treatment

April 23, 2021

sleep apnea

When most people think of loud snorers, an image of a man typically comes to mind, and there is evidence to back this up: men are more frequently diagnosed with sleep apnea, a condition often characterized by loud, persistent snoring. But as it turns out, the reason that men are more frequently diagnosed with this condition is complicated. Why is the science and perception of sleep apnea and snoring in women so out of sync? And how can women find out if they have this condition and get the treatment they need? It would be unfair of us to move forward without acknowledging the fact that there are reasons for this outside of biology.


Can Just One Drink Ruin Sleep?

April 1, 2021

pouring a glass of wine

You probably enjoy the occasional glass of wine with dinner or cocktail with friends, but did you know that even light alcohol consumption can negatively impact your sleep? Does this mean you should avoid alcohol altogether? Today, we dive deeper into the connection between alcohol and sleep to discover if a harmonious relationship between the two is possible.


How to Pick the Right Pillow When You Have Sleep Apnea

March 29, 2021

woman hugging her pillow while sleeping

Pillows are soft, cozy accessories to our sleep environments that we likely don’t think twice about, and because of that, their important role in our sleep health is often overlooked. Yet, they are critical for getting the best quality sleep possible.

Pillows provide your head, neck, and spine with support. The right pillow will support the natural curvature of your neck, leaving you well-rested and ache-free in the morning. Because people come in all shapes, sizes, and builds, pillows do as well. There are pillows made to better suit front sleepers, back sleepers, and side sleepers, and a wide variety of materials are available. 

If you suffer from a sleep breathing disorder, chances are you’re trying to do everything you can to reduce its effects. The correct pillow can be a big help. Here’s how to make the best decision for you. 
